Media Advisory: Summer Lee Joins Striking Pittsburgh Post Gazette Workers Calling on CSPAN to Remove Allan Block, Anti-Worker CEO who Meddled in Jan. 6 Coverage From Board


WHAT: Rally with striking Pittsburgh Post Gazette workers at CSPAN HQ

WHO: Congresswoman Summer Lee, Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh CWA Local 38061 

WHEN: Wednesday, March 8 at 12:30 PM

WHERE: C-SPAN HQ, 400 Capitol St NW

WHY: Unions are democracy in the workplace and the free press is the cornerstone of our democracy. Newsworkers need to have fair wages, benefits, and work conditions they need to take care of their families. And they need to have the independence to hold truth to power. Yet the co-owner and CEO of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette and C-SPAN board member, Allan Block is standing in the way of both. He’s not only an active threat to workers, but to democracy in Toledo, Pittsburgh, and the US Capitol in his role at C-SPAN. 

Why is Block, who meddled in his newspaper’s coverage of the January 6th attempted coup and who is now currently refusing to comply with a judge’s order to quit violating his workers’ rights, deserving of a place of respect in C-SPAN’s boardroom?

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