Rep, Lee, Deluzio, Sens. Casey & Fetterman Urge NLRB to Investigate Unfair Practices, Promote Bargaining in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Labor Dispute  

Apr 27, 2023

NEWS: Rep, Lee, Deluzio, Sens. Casey and Fetterman Urge NLRB to Investigate Unfair Practices, Promote Bargaining in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Labor Dispute  

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Summer Lee, Chris Deluzio and Senators Bob Casey and John Fetterman this week sent a letter to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) urging the Board to quickly investigate any pending unfair labor practice charges in the ongoing labor dispute between the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and its striking workers and promote both parties coming back to the bargaining table in good-faith. 

“We urge the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to investigate any pending unfair labor practice charges from the ongoing labor dispute between PPG and PPG workers quickly and thoroughly to resolve any outstanding charges. Under the supervision of the NLRB, we hope that both parties can return to the bargaining table and return to contract talks in good faith,” wrote the members

Post-Gazette workers have been on strike since October of 2022 and have been in contract talks with management since 2017, but staff had been working without a collective bargaining agreement 2020. In early March, a confrontation at the picket line between a replacement Post-Gazette employee and striking workers turned physical and resulted in injuries for two striking workers. 

“We urge the NLRB to expedite its processing and investigation of any outstanding unfair labor practice charges to prevent any more escalation on the picket line and restore labor peace,” the members continued.

A copy of the letter is available here.  


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