Summer Lee Launches ‘Summer’s Senior Service Center’ Series in Murrysville
**For Immediate Release**
Contact: 330.212.2065
Summer Lee Launches ‘Summer’s Senior Service Center’ Series in Murrysville
“So far, we’ve helped over 1,000 constituents with everything from potholes to passports and VA benefits”
Murrysville, PA– Today, Congresswoman Summer Lee held a ‘Senior Service Center’ event in Murrysville in Westmoreland County, marking the first stop of many in her ‘Summer’s Senior Service Center’ series focused on helping seniors with Medicare, Social Security benefits and much more.
Today, Summer was joined by Social Security and Medicare experts to:
· Answer questions on Medicare and Social Security benefits – including newly available benefits to lower medication and health care costs passed under the Inflation Reduction Act
· Help with enrollment in Medicare or Social Security programs
· Solve any problems you’re having with Medicare, SS, or VA benefits
· Chat about how she can better serve seniors in our community over FREE coffee & donuts
This is the first of many events Lee will host across the district to provide resources and help to constituents close to home. Future events will expand to offer services such as vital sign assessments, legal assistance, and other senior services. The next location in this series will take place in Bethel Park the first week of September.
Lee said, “As your Congresswoman, my top priority is making myself available and accessible as a resource and an advocate for you and your family–no matter where you live and what your politics are. So far, we’ve helped over 1,000 constituents with everything from potholes to passports and VA benefits. Now, I’m working to make it as convenient as possible for my office to help you – and that means meeting you close to home with the very first stop of our ‘Summer’s Senior Service Center’ series at the Murrysville Senior Service Center on Friday morning.”