ADVISORY: Summer Lee to Tour Citizen Science Lab to Discuss Opportunities for Underrepresented Youth in STEM Through Free Programing in Robotics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Jul 05, 2023

Advisory for Thursday, July 6 at 12 pm ET

Summer Lee to Tour Citizen Science Lab to Discuss Opportunities for Underrepresented Youth in STEM Through Free Programing in Robotics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics

(Braddock, PA) On Thursday, July 5, Congresswoman Summer Lee, who serves on the House Science Space and Technology Committee (SST) will tour Citizen Science Lab to discuss initiatives in Congress and in the community to close the representation gap in STEM.  

WHEN: Thursday, July 6 at 12 pm 

WHO: Summer Lee to visit Citizen Science Lab

WHAT: Tour of Citizen Science Lab

WHERE: 1699 Washington Rd Suite 200, Pittsburgh PA 15228

About: Citizen Science Lab has two locations in Lee’s district (Hill District and Bethel Park), and seeks to increase underrepresented youth interest in STEM through free programming in biology, chemistry, physics, and robotics. 

Since 2015, The Citizen Science Lab is proud to serve as a partner to the residents of Pittsburgh’s Hill District. They provide free services for the Hill District through our partnerships with Miller African Centered Academy, Pittsburgh Milliones (UPrep), The University of Pittsburgh Community Engagement Center, and other Hill community organizations. 

TCSL also actively recruits volunteers, staff and board of directors from the rich neighborhoods of the Hill District community.  If you know of someone who is interested in learning more about our work, please have them contact us. 

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