Summer Lee Convenes Progressive Caucus in Special Order Hour on Right-Wing Judiciary’ Attacks on our Freedoms, Harms to Black, Brown, LGBTQ, Poor, and Marginalized Americans 

Mar 09, 2023

 “These problems are systemic both in who’s behind these attacks and who they hurt the most.”

(WASHINGTON, D.C.)– On Thursday, March 9th, U.S. Congresswoman Summer Lee (PA-12)  convened the Congressional Progressive Caucus in a Special Order Hour on the right-wing judiciary’s attacks on our freedoms–from the Supreme Court decision that could rip student loan relief from 40 million Americans to the Federal Judge in Texas that could eliminate access to medicated abortion in the wake of Dobbs. 

Reps. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Hank Johnson (D-GA), Sheilla Cherfilus-Mccormick (D-TX), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), and also spoke on this topic. Rep. Morgan McGarvey (D-KY) also joined to give remarks in Breonna Taylor’s honor ahead of the anniversary of her murder. 

To watch the full hour click here

Congresswoman Lee said, “These problems are systemic both in who’s behind these attacks and who they hurt the most. My community will be punished for getting an education for the same reason that half the country’s freedom to control our bodies and our futures–and the same reason a federal judge in Texas is expected to outlaw abortion pills. It’s the same reason that corporations are allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on elections, and the same reason corporate PACs are able to come in and blow Black women out of the water when we run for office. It’s because an unelected right-wing, Republican-appointed judiciary is waging a full-on assault on our freedoms.

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley said, “While there are many forces and people at work who seek to spread lies and misinformation, let me set the record straight. Abortion care is routine medical care. Abortion care is safe. Abortion care is a fundamental human right. Abortion care is health care. And one in four women in this country seek it. Women that you know, love, work, and worship with.

Congressman Hank Johnson said, “Our court has been captured by right-wing extremists. And our united states supreme court has been packed by Donald trump and mitch McConnell, with extreme right-wing ideologues who are intent on taking us back into an archaic time in the nation’s history, when women had no rights, Blacks had no rights, anyone other than white males in America had no rights. It’s another demonstration of why the public has lost confidence in the United States supreme court. And with that loss of confidence in the court comes a loss of confidence in the rule of law. Justice and the rule of law are bedrocks of our democracy. And if the people lose confidence, it doesn’t work.”

Rep. Sheilla Cherfilus-Mccormick said “We must address the unequal burden that student loan debt has played on borrowers of color. I ask the supreme court to turn against the right-wing reactionary agenda and to deliver for the 40 million people in June. We rely on our education systems. Education and higher education is one of the pivotal equitable points we have in this country. We must protect it for everyone.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said, “States like Texas followed with the most heinous of abortion laws you could ever imagine. Criminalizing providers and criminalizing women. Creating havoc in our state. People having to flee across state lines because they could not get an honest and safe medical treatment needed that was dictated by their physician, their health care provider. Threatening health care providers, threatening planned parenthood, threatening clinics. Misinterpreting medical procedures as abortions.We as members of congress need to be able to be the people’s representatives and we must find a way to bring dignity and truth and justice back to our courts.”

Rep. Morgan McGarvey: “We should seize this moment to right past wrongs and protect everyone in our community. But let’s not forget, Breonna Taylor should be alive today. Her mom would rather have Breonna alive than a report. Breonna Taylor’s death should not have been the catalyst for change and accountability. We should have addressed this a long time ago.


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